Sunday, March 20, 2011

In Service of What?

Kahne and Westheimer's In Service of What
I really enjoyed the piece.  I think that the idea of getting involved and being a part of service learning is a great experience for everyone.  There are many ways for people to get involved and that’s exactly what the article shows.  It allowed for people to understand that any little thing they can do can influence someone else in a way that they may never know.  In reading this article I thought about being in the providence school system and how just giving a little of my time to help out those younger than me and in need of extra assistance can change their lives as well as mine.  I probably never would have step foot inside the school building but now that I have I don’t really want to stop.  I enjoy going and wish I had more time during the day to spend with them.  Even though I may not understand what is going on in their lives, I am someone reliable that they can depend on seeing every week.  It would be an even closer experience if those students saw me outside the classroom but I realize their is only so much we can do.  It really is a rewarding experience no matter if you do it to try to change something or if you do it as a charity project.  In the end, someone is benefitting and that should be enough in itself.
This article really made me think about all the work I have done in the past and whether or not I did it because I thought I could change the world or if I just did it to help out.  I think that I know that just one person can’t change the whole world but that one person can make a difference in another person’s  life.  If everyone just does one thing that can help someone else, then maybe the world could be a closer and safer place for everyone.

1 comment:

  1. "It allowed for people to understand that any little thing they can do can influence someone else in a way that they may never know."
    When you said this it reminded me of a quote my mom says lol - "people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel!"

    and i feel as though this definitely ties in with service learning as well as your quote. these students might forget our names and what we look like, they might forget what we said or what we helped them with, but if we make an impact on their life in SOME way, they will never forget how we made them feel when we were in the classroom...
